W a y a n a W i n e B a r

B e a u t i f u l W i n e s

D e l i c i o u s T a p a s

Wayana Wıne bar

E p i c u r e a n S t o r y o f W a y a n a

We have borrowed our brand name WAYANA from Hittites, our grand ancestors in Anatolia. Wayana means wine in Hittite language which is the main item in our menu and also reminds us that we share the same geography with our ancient neighbors even if being thousands years apart.

Wayana Wıne bar

Wayana Flavors

Wayana Wıne bar

From BEPPE Pizzeria to WAYANA Wine Bar… From Natural Wine to the selection of the best wine glasses… From Turkish wine grapes to cheese&wine pairing; we are adding new titles to our library for wine lovers.


When visiting archaeological museums, we often come across amphorae recovered from ancient shipwrecks. This naturally leads us to associate amphorae with the past. Additionally, it can be difficult to determine whether these vessels were used in

Wayana Wıne bar

W a y a n a S i n g l e G r a p e T a s t i n g S e r i e s 5 : M e r l o t

Sunday, May 21, 2023

MERLOT Tasting Event, one of the grapes whose red wines are most preferred in the world, will be held on Sunday, May 21, 2023, between 15:00 and 17:00. You can click the buy ticket button to join the tasting. We welcome curious wine lovers.