We continue to evaluate the experimental music-wine relationship we included in the WAYANA 301 tasting event. In the table below, you can see the wines we included in the tasting and the musical pieces we selected to accompany them. In the following part of the article, we will share the results of the evaluations made by the participants under headings.
Let us also remind you that we selected two musical pieces with different tempos for each wine and that the approximate duration of each piece is 1.5 minutes.
Playlist | The Grapes of The Wines |
Yurt Dağı Baylan Cemile | Thompson Seedless |
Aman Aman Nalbandım | Thompson Seedless |
Yüce Dağ Başında | Emir |
Taşa Çaldım Ayvam ile Narımı | Emir |
Lorelei | Riesling |
Lon Des Rhein | Riesling |
Forever Young | Syrah-Kalecik Karası |
Son of A Preacher Man | Syrah-Kalecik Karası |
Güvercin Uçuverdi | Kalecik Karasi |
Eski Evin Merteği | Kalecik Karasi |
Seyyah Olup Şu Alemi Gezerim | Öküzgözü |
Yoğurt Koydum Dolaba | Öküzgözü |
Les Temps des Cerise | Petit Verdot |
Padame Padame | Petit Verdot |
Beethoven 5th Symphonie | Ament Bordeaux Blend |
Bohemian Rhapsody | Ament Bordeaux Blend |
- The evaluation of musical pieces by the participants of the event was done voluntarily, thirteen of our guests made evaluations and sent them to us.
- Two of our guests who said they were negatively affected gave negative values for some pieces, we processed them as zero in the table.
- In the markings between 1-10, we accepted the middle point as 5, and accepted the lower ones as weak examples and the higher ones as strong and positive examples.
- We did not have any guests who were completely against accompanying music.
- As the tasting progressed, our guests felt the effect of the music more. Although the amount of alcohol was small, it had an effect on the evaluations.
What did we come across when we interpreted the evaluations? Let's take a look together:
- Pieces known by everyone gain a relative advantage. It was more difficult to evaluate the effect of the wine in the time it took to recognize the song encountered for the first time.
- Pieces with a slow tempo received higher scores for all wines without exception. In other words, the guests in our small group prefer lighter pieces with their wines.
- Four of the wines included two folk songs each from the regions where grapes grow in our country. The total value of these eight pieces is 376 units.
- We had included eight foreign works in the remaining four wines. The total value of these pieces is 619.
- The synergy of wine and local folk songs did not resonate with our guests, but a strong bond was formed between foreign works and wines.
- Bohemian Rhapsody reached the highest value with 92 points, followed by Padame Padame with 91 points.
- The lowest value was given to the folk song Eski Evin Merteği with 33 points, and the second lowest was Aman Aman Nalbandım with 38 points.
What conclusions did we draw from these results for future tastings?
Our guests were very positive about the musical pieces being part of the event. After making basic evaluations about the wine and writing down the notes to the wine agenda, we observed that the time they spent with wine and music contributed positively to the tasting and created a good opportunity to internalize the wine.
The musical pieces we selected provided some clues for more serious research to be done on this subject in terms of cultural preference. Our guests' less association of folk songs with wines is a topic that should be carefully considered. But it would of course be misleading to draw conclusions from this single trial.
We have gained impressions that suggest that instrumental versions of folk songs without lyrics may have a higher chance. Two of the four pieces accompanying two of the wines had lyrics, while the other two were instrumental. Our guests' tendency has been in favor of instrumentals.
When choosing pieces to accompany wines, choosing well-known pieces of music makes it easier for wine lovers to establish relationships. It is more challenging to both recognize the music and associate it with the wine.
In short, we care about including music in future WAYANA tastings. Of course, we do not conclude that every tasting will be planned like this. We have the motivation to continue conducting experimental studies as we did in WAYANA 301. We will continue to share the results we will obtain from these new studies.